Sweet Potato - Ipomoea batatas

Sweet Potato is a starchy sweet tuberous root vegetable. The young shoots and leaves can be eaten as greens. The tubers can be roasted, eaten hot or used in salads, or mashed. The leaves can be stir fried or finely chopped into salads, or juiced.

Sweet potato originates in South America, and prefers tropical/subtropical conditions. Grows best in a sunny position (6-8hrs sun/day) in well drained soil. Propagate from tubers or cuttings and plant in Spring to harvest by Winter. The crop matures in 3-6months. Harvest can be increased by cutting the vines to force more tuber growth.

There are 4 varieties in Australia - white, gold, red & purple. The Gold variety is most common, as well as red (red skin, white flesh). The Gold variety grows best in Brisbane. 

Nutrition - great source of fibre , potassium & vitamins.

Medicinal - purple sweet potato reduces inflammation so reputed to help with gout, also helps with weight.

Beta carotene reduces eye disease.

Reduces blood pressure and improves blood sugar levels.